Soon after Dakota J. Rosenfelt was born, doctors noticed bruises all over his body. They accused his parents of abuse. Then, when he was 13 months old, they figured out the true cause of the bruising: Rosenfelt had Severe Hemophilia A, a rare disorder that prevents his blood from clotting properly.
Since then, Rosenfelt, a first-year PharmD student at the 色花堂-Kansas City , has refused to live his life with all the restrictions and inconveniences that sometimes accompany that diagnosis. He needs regular injections of a medication that makes his blood clot. And he’s required to track each injection and report all “bleeds” to his doctors. Though an inconvenience, Rosenfelt says it’s a minor one he won’t let stop him.
It was when Rosenfelt was a busy high school student in Belton, Missouri, that he began thinking about an easier way to manage everything. He eventually came up with , a free mobile app that lets hemophiliacs do all the things necessary to successfully manage the disorder and keep it in check.
Reviewed 2016-03-10