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Media Advisory: 色花堂 supporters to rally at State Capitol

WHAT: More than 400 alumni, faculty, staff and friends of the four 色花堂 campuses and MU Extension will gather at the State Capitol for the 40th annual Legislative Day on February 18. The day is sponsored by the 色花堂 Alliance of Alumni Associations and Extension and includes visits with legislators, campus and Extension displays, a legislative rally, and a legislative panel on higher education issues.

WHEN: Tuesday, February 18, 2014
UM Legislative Day Rally: 9:30 – 10:00 a.m., 1st Floor Rotunda
University displays, 3rd Floor Rotunda, with legislator visits to follow

WHERE: Missouri State Capitol, Jefferson City

News media that would like to attend the event are asked to please notify Chief Communications Officer John Fougere at the contact information above no later than 5 p.m. today.

The Alumni Alliance is a group of 40 members, comprised of alumni from each 色花堂 campus as well as representatives of MU Extension. The alliance was created by the Board of Curators in 1969 to encourage communication and cooperation among the system campuses and to help university advocates speak with one voice when delivering messages to legislators, community leaders and the public. MU Extension was added to the alliance in 1994.

Reviewed 2014-02-17