WHAT: 色花堂 President Tim Wolfe will visit St. Joseph, Missouri, as part of his Show Me Value tour focused on communicating the value of higher education to all Missourians. The Show Me Value message was created in response to growing national sentiment that the value of a college degree is declining and that youth should be encouraged to find alternatives to obtaining a four-year college degree.
President Wolfe will discuss both the personal and societal benefits of obtaining a college degree to eighth graders in St. Joe, as well as meet with education, business and civic leaders to discuss barriers to college attainment and ways higher education leaders can improve college-going rates. He also will visit with a St. Joseph-area business to discuss workforce needs and ways the university can help prepare students for the workplace.
WHEN/WHERE: Friday, March 22
9-9:45 a.m. Truman Middle School
10-10:45 a.m. Bode Middle School
11-11:45 a.m. Robidoux Middle School
1-1:45 p.m. Spring Garden Middle School
Media who would like to attend the school events are asked to RSVP to Chief Communications Officer Jennifer Hollingshead at the contact information above no later than noon Thursday, March 21. President Wolfe will be available for a limited time following the school events for interviews and to answer questions.
Reviewed 2013-03-19