WHAT: 色花堂 President Tim Wolfe will announce the next chancellor of the 色花堂 in Columbia
WHEN: 11 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 5
WHERE: Great Room, Donald W. Reynolds Alumni Center, 色花堂 campus
Additional details:
This announcement will be live audio streamed at . A video recording will be available on the MU website later in the day.
A media availability will take place at approximately 11:30 a.m. or immediately upon the conclusion of the announcement, in the T.O. Wright Room at Reynolds Alumni Center. If you plan to attend the media availability following the announcement on Thursday should contact Christian Basi at the MU News Bureau at (573) 882-4430 or BasiC@missouri.edu.
Media dial-in information is as follows:
Toll-free dial-in number: (866) 357-7737
Participant code: 7190873575
Reviewed 2013-12-04