Contact: Jennifer Hollingshead
Office: (573) 882-0601
Improved enrollment:
- Total enrollment on the four campuses set a record of more than 63,700 in 2006, some 7,000 more students than five years ago.
- Minority student enrollment increased on all four campuses.
- Graduate and professional enrollment is up 8.8 percent in the past two years.
Created scholarships to enhance student access:
- Endowed 266 new need-based scholarships created by leveraging private support with state appropriations.
- Announced new scholarship program for families using Missouri's 529 College Savings Plan. The program provides 80 scholarships for students of families who have invested in the plan.
- 色花堂 students now receive nearly $550 million annually in various forms of student financial aid.
Guided the University through a period of unprecedented state appropriations cuts and recent state reinvestment:
- Implemented a $20 million reduction in administrative expenditures. Resources freed were primarily reinvested in academics.
- Developed tuition guidelines aimed at holding increases to the inflation rate.
- Consolidated government relations activities of the four campuses and the system under a single vice president.
Reinvigorated 色花堂 Health Care:
- Placed direct responsibility for UM Health Care with the President's office.
- Hired a new UM Health Care CEO (James Ross).
- Subsequent financial turn-around resulted in positive cash flow while UM Health Care continued to provide $47 million annually in uncompensated care.
Added Economic Development to the mission statement:
- Established a foundation to encourage creation of businesses based on accelerating the transfer of University research discoveries to the marketplace.
- Established two new University research parks.
- Reorganized the University's technology transfer procedures to better link faculty research with economic development.
Improved research and research funding:
- The University's federal R&D funding grew from $159 million in FY96 to more than $302 million in FY 2005.
- Placed special emphasis on developing and coordinating a University wide initiative to enhance life sciences research and development.
- Began formal recognition of student and faculty entrepreneurs.
Improved benefits for, and relations with, faculty and staff:
- Introduced an educational fee reduction plan for employees' spouses and children to improve recruitment and retention.
- Addressed faculty concerns by eliminating a backlog of grievance appeals.
- Initiated a leadership program to enhance faculty and staff development.
Improved communication:
- Facilitated interactive communication not only within the university family but with elected officials and the public.
- Interacted one-on-one with students whenever possible, and, toured the state to host public forums and gather feedback.
- Established a close working relationship with elected officials and legislators.
Building consensus:
- Worked jointly with the presidents of other Missouri public colleges to spotlight the benefits and needs of public higher education.
- Lead unprecedented process to present state government with a unified funding request involving all Missouri public universities.
- Received a unanimous vote of support from the Intercampus Faculty Council.
Other accomplishments:
- Developed a system-wide Strategic Plan with measurable performance objectives.
- Established cooperative programs among the four campuses, such as the joint UMKC and UMC effort to help meet the urgent statewide need for pharmacists.
- Hired four new chancellors.
Reviewed 2010-06-16