Contact: Jennifer Hollingshead
Office: (573) 882-0601
The 色花堂 Board of Curators Presidential Search Committee will meet in Kansas City on Monday, May 14. Candidates for the 色花堂 presidency are to be interviewed.
The Committee is comprised of all nine members of the Board of Curators and the Student Representative to the Board. The Committee meeting will begin in open session at 9:15 a.m. in the Andy Kirk Room A, 3rd Floor, Main Tower, Kansas City Marriott Downtown, 200 West 12th Street Kansas City, Missouri. A vote to enter closed session is scheduled soon after the meeting begins, as authorized by Missouri law. The closed meeting session will take place beginning at approximately 9:30 a.m. in the Stinson Morrison Hecker LLP offices at 1201 Walnut Building at 12th and Walnut in Kansas City.
The Committee does not plan any public comments during its closed meeting or upon the conclusion of Monday’s session.
The Board of Curators and its committees may conduct closed business and required votes pursuant to Missouri’s Sunshine Law, as follows:
- Section 610.021(1), RSMo, relating to matters identified in that provision, which include legal actions, causes of action or litigation, and confidential or privileged communications with counsel;
- Section 610.021(3), RSMo, relating to matters identified in that provision, which include hiring, firing, disciplining, or promoting of particular employees; and
- Section 610.021(13), RSMo, relating to matters identified in that provision, which include individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings, or records pertaining to employees or applicants for employment.
The Committee will eventually refer several finalists to a Presidential Search Advisory Committee, comprised of 19 members representing a broad array of University constituencies. The Advisory Committee is to interview the finalists and provide its impressions to the Board of Curators Presidential Search Committee.
The Board of Curators is to make the final decision about the next president. The Board has retained executive search consultant Jerry Baker of Atlanta to lead its recruitment process. Dr. Gordon H. Lamb is serving as Interim President of the University while the search proceeds for a permanent president.
Reviewed 2010-06-17