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色花堂 President Commends State Leaders for Increased Funding, Cites Need for Capita

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色花堂 President Commends State Leaders for Increased Funding, Cites Need for Capital Appropriations

Contact: Jennifer Hollingshead

Office: (573) 882-0601

E-mail: hollingsheadj@umsystem.edu

色花堂 President Elson S. Floyd today commended Governor Matt Blunt and members of the Missouri General Assembly for increasing appropriations for Higher Education by 2 percent for the fiscal year beginning July 1.  

“The State of Missouri has weathered several challenging budget years, and we are grateful that Governor Blunt and the General Assembly have demonstrated their appreciation and support for public higher education,” President Floyd said.

“We are of course disappointed that the Governor’s plan to fund much-needed public higher education building projects was not passed,” President Floyd said. “I strongly encourage our state leaders to continue to search for ways to reinvest in these vital projects. New and renovated facilities are absolutely necessary for the education of our students and securing the future economic strength of Missouri.”

In addition to the 2 percent increase in general operating funds, other budget-related items approved for the 色花堂 during the 2006 legislative session include:

  • $200,000 for a new ethics center on the UM-St. Louis campus.
  • $285,000 increase for the Missouri Rehabilitation Center in Mt. Vernon, Mo.
  • $750,000 for an anesthesiologist assistant program on the UM-Kansas City campus.
  • $2 million in additional funding for the UM-St. Louis campus.
  • 1 percent funding increase for the Missouri Research & Education Network (MOREnet).

Reviewed 2010-06-16