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Attaching Documents

How do I attach documents to PO Invoices?

How do I attach documents to Non-PO Vouchers?

How do I attach the Wire Transfer Authorization Form for Wire Transfers and Foreign Drafts?

How do I attach Travel & Expense (T&E) Receipts?

How do I attach W-9 or Direct Deposit Documents to Supplier Request Forms?





To allow for campus specific domain names, the below email addresses have been created.  All email addresses below route to umprocimagingvouche@umsystem.edu

To submit PO Invoices, use the email address below which corresponds to your Business Unit

色花堂-Columbia APSSPOInvoices@missouri.edu
色花堂-Columbia HEALTH APSSPOInvoices@health.missouri.edu
色花堂-Kansas City APSSPOInvoices@umkc.edu
Missouri University of Science and Technology APSSPOInvoices@mst.edu
色花堂-St. Louis APSSPOInvoices@umsl.edu
色花堂 APSSPOInvoices@umsystem.edu


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Reviewed 2019-08-05

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Attach Documents


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