Payment Handling: Hold Checks, Enclosures, and Express Payments
Hold Checks: If you need to receive a check for your Non-PO voucher so you can mail it to the supplier yourself, you may request a Hold Check. Hold Checks process once a week on Tuesday night and are available at your Campus Accounting Office.
Enclosures: If additional information must be sent with payment, you may request an Enclosure. Choosing this handling type may delay delivery by an additional business day, but will allow documentation, such as an invoice, to be sent with the check.
Express Checks: If a payment is required prior to the next Tuesday night check run, you may request an Express Check. Depending on your campus, this handling type may cost an additional $100 handling fee. Additionally, any Express Check request must be sent to prior to 1pm in order to be processed on the same day.
See the chart below for the location to pick up Hold Checks and Express Checks on your campus.
For more information and instructions on payment handling, please click HERE and review Appendix B.
É«»¨ÌÃ-Columbia |
É«»¨ÌÃ-Kansas City |
Missouri University of Science and Technology |
É«»¨ÌÃ-St. Louis |
Reviewed 2021-09-22