Degrees and Graduation IB13-1: "60% Higher Education Degree Attainment" in Missouri IB01-1: Understanding Transfer Student Success Revisited IB98-2: Graduation Rates: Why Variations Exist Between Reporting Sources Students, Enrollment and Credit Hours IB99-7; Dual Credit Accumulation of Incoming Freshmen to the 色花堂 IB98-1: Dual Enrollment Programs; Setting Minimum Standard of Admission Financial Aid IB02-1: Trends in Educational Fee Discounting, Student Borrowing, and Need-based Financial Aid at the 色花堂 IB01-2: Meeting Need and Rewarding Talent-Status of Undergraduate Financial Aid at the 色花堂 Research Funding IB99-4: Defining Federal Research Expenditures, Federal Research Obligations and Federal Research Awards Financial IB13-2: Performance Funding IB99-6: Student Fee Discounting IB99-5: Peer and Market Comparisons of Sticker Price IB99-3: Fee Complexity IB99-2: Revenue Composition IB99-1: Inflation Indices Faculty and Staff IB99-9: Faculty Salary Condition and Compression Other IB00-1: Annual Income of Recent Graduates Working in Missouri IB98-3: Status and Implications of IPEDS Redesign Reviewed 2022-04-06