Welcome to the Intercampus Staff Advisory Council
The UM Intercampus Staff Advisory Council (UM-ISAC) was formed by the 色花堂 President in January 2000 to advise the president on matters of mutual interest and to serve as an information and liaison medium for employees and administrative offices on such matters as may be referred to the Council, as the Council initiates, or as UM employees may request.
2023-24 UM ISAC Members
- Mun Y. Choi, President of the 色花堂
- Marsha Fischer, VP HR UM System
- Chair Olivia Mendez-Alm, UMSL, mendezalmo@umsl.edu
- Vice Chair Megan Fowler, S&T, roarkme@mst.edu
- Secretary Anna Wilkerson, MUHC dagostinoa@health.missouri.edu
MU & UM System -
- Jessica Hosey, hoseyj@umsystem.edu
- Lori Robinett, robinettll@umsystem.edu
- Megan Wilkinson, wilkinsonml@missouri.edu
- Kim Foley (TRAC Liaison), foleyk@missouri.edu
MU Health Care -
- Julie Krause: jkk4gc@health.missouri.edu
- Anna Wilkerson, dagostinoa@health.missouri.edu
- Julie Myer, myerj@umkc.edu
Missouri S&T -
- Megan Fowler, roarkme@mst.edu
- Jackie Sansone, sansonej@mst.edu
- Lauren Perala, peralal@mst.edu
- Austin Culbertson, askaustin@umsl.edu
- Britne Bacca-Haupt, bbacca@umsl.edu
- Olivia Mendez-Alm, mendezalmo@umsl.edu
- Mindy Dilley, dilleym@umsl.edu
Reviewed 2023-09-13