of 1998 amended U.S. copyright law to limit liability for an infrastructure provider (or "service provider") for information residing, at direction of a user, on a system or network that the service provider controls. The University in providing computers, storage, or network connection is a service provider. A University employee, student, or guest in providing content is a user.
The service provider claiming this limited liability must do several things:
- The service provider must designate an agent to receive claims of copyright infringement, initiate take-down, receive counter-claims, and initiate restoration as appropriate.
- The service provider must also inform users of policy that terminates service for infringements.
- The service provider must register the DMCA agent with .
- The service provider must also identify this agent through "its service including on its website in a location accessible to the public." The 色花堂 requires each 色花堂 web server and other information servers liable to copyright concerns to list on the "front page" a link or reference to the central webpage identifying the 色花堂 DMCA agent. This central website will also list resources that will help University members with intellectual property issues.
Reviewed 2024-03-07